MS Paint Adventures: Homestuck Home

What's there to like?

Homestuck was a viral sensation in the early 2000s, and having recently discovered it myself, I figured it was time to analyze the style of the page. The basic design of the page is simple: A dark gray background with a lighter gray transposed on top of it, and then white around the main elements. This design does a good job of drawing the user to the content in the middle of the page, which is where there are several links to the various webcomics on the site. Each page on the site maintains this style, with the footer changing and the content changing. The page stays consistent overall.

What's there not to like?

To be honest, this is a simple site done well. It isn't super flashy and over the top like many of the sites of it's time, and despite some minor accesability shortcomings, it provides the information in an easy to digest way.